Shipping process
All orders are processed and shipped from our warehouse in Dortmund. In exceptional cases, orders are also shipped directly from our production facility, as we also have a very large stock there.
Small order quantities up to 20 m² can also be collected from the Dortmund location by appointment.
Delivery note:
All orders are delivered to kerbside only, provided the delivery does not exceed 2,000 kg. Shipments heavier than 2,000 kg must be unloaded by the buyer.
Note on delivery
Orders over 2,000 kg are not unloaded by the forwarder. Unloading must therefore be organised by the recipient. An appointment notification is made for every order for which a call number has been deposited.
Freight costs within Germany
All orders shipped within Germany are subject to the following costs.
One-off basic price: 95.2€ gross
Weight-based surcharge: €1.25 gross per 14 kg
You can have the freight costs calculated directly in the shopping cart after entering the postcode and delivery location.
Freight costs outside Germany
We ship worldwide. For orders outside Germany, please request a freight quote by e-mail (